Ethan Floyd

Reference Sheet

  • Legal Name: Ethan Bond Floyd
  • Stand: Chop Suey! - Has the ability to infuse heat or frost into a surface
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Eye Color: Light Green
  • Skin: Fair white
  • Outfit: A priest's robes with a 7 inch purple trim at the hems, wears black cross earrings, Purple loafers
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 178lbs
  • Body Type: Thin/Slim
  • Birthdate: 7/13/1984
  • Temperament: Lawful Good
  • Various Other Details: After graduating from the Catholic Institute of Great Britain, he became a priest and often gives long sermons throughout the week while also devoting much of his time to serving God. He set out on a journey after reciving a vision from the archangel Micheal that he needed to stop Darius Brando, instead being too weak on his own to do much of anything and being convinced by him into becoming another one of his mindless slaves. After Izumi and crew defeated him, he thanked them by joining their party and fighting alongside them, feeling like he needs to repay their kindness. He likes to collect rare and interesting stamps from around the world and often listens to audiobooks. His favorite tea is Matcha, but he also enjoys Earl Grey at times.
  • Here's a picture!

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